Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Society Review: Money

Arguably the stupidest thing humans have invented since the inception of murder. I mean, pre-fixed-currency, human wealth was determined by what you could do through hard work. Land, a home, cattle, necessities... these were things ANYONE could get through simple hard work. It wasn't a matter of posessions, it was a matter of a person using his hands, and his mind, and his willpower to make life better for himself.

Nowdays, all you need to make a lot of money is parents who have a lot of money.

I know people who are hard workers, dedicated, and willing, who struggle just to make enough money to put $4 of gas into their motorbike so they can make it to work. I know incredibly smart, naturally talented people who are forced to work telemarketing jobs because they aren't sufficiently well-rounded or wealthy enough to go to college.

I also know people who are self-centered, self-posessed, ignorant of the world around them and generally offering nothing to the human race but a good tan and shiny teeth. This is because they have no jobs to go to, so they can hang at the beach. This is because they have enough money to get bleaching jobs to cover up their smoking. This is because their parents bought them a new car because they totalled their first one.

Money is no longer now in the hands of the hard-workers, it's in the hands of the people who are descended from hard-workers. I am working my ass off at my job and my home and it will take me 96 years to save for a down-payment on a crappy house, despite the fact I will be long-dead by that point.

A small group of people in a small group of states in a small country now control some retarded portion of the worlds resources, and will continue to do so simply because they HAVE done so. The International Fusion Project, for example, dedicated to bringing clean, free energy to the entire planet has been stalled because the countries can't agree who's land will be used to build the first one, and reap the monetary rewards.

Money is no longer the end, but the means. It is the means by which I am prevented from ever having enough time to be happy. It is the means by which poor people are kept poor, because they need money to get money. It is the means by which the wealthy distance themselves from reality, allowing them to spend three million dollars on a shore-front condo, despite the fact that it could also feed, clothe, and send every single homeless person in this city to college. It is the means by which the aggressive countries control the less naturally-bountiful ones.

On the other hand, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe money isn't the means... maybe it's the end.


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